Risk Management
Prof David Eager - Natural and loose-fill impact attenuating surfaces
In this session David presented some of his 25 years of research into the testing of sand and bark suitable for use as IAS within children’s playgrounds. He gave practical tips on what to look out for when choosing suitable IAS sand and bark.
Play in Blacktown City - a journey - Matt O‘Connor
Play Today PD session for Play Australia Members only.
Roads and Playspaces
Play Australia Risk Management Hub
Are Playgrounds too Safe?
In Britain’s Playgrounds, ‘Bringing in Risk’ to Build Resilience
The Richmond Avenue Primary and Nursery School looked critically around their campus and set about, as one of them put it, 'bringing in risk'. Out went the plastic playhouses and in came the dicey stuff: stacks of two-by-fours, crates and loose bricks. The schoolyard got a mud pit, a tire swing, log stumps and workbenches with hammers and saws.
Play and Risk
Tim Gill - Play Wales
Risk and Adventure in Outdoor Learning
Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission
Tell your mum I saved your life
This article explores the contemporary understandings of risk, childhood and children's play in which 'risk' is equated with 'danger'.
Outdoor Safety Issues in Early Childhood Centres
Mary Jeavons - Jeavons Landscape Architects
This was based on a presentation given by Mary Jeavons at Play Australia's one day Conference "Everything you want to know about managing risk in early years services" held on November 25th, 2016.